The Do's And Don'ts Of Using An International Airport Taxi Service

Posted on: 11 January 2016

It doesn't matter if you are planning a trip to Paris, France or Tokyo, Japan, when you step off of your plane at the airport there is a fair chance that one of the forms of public transportation you will have available will be a taxi service. Even though you may use a taxi everyday here in the US, like Yellow Cab service, but taxi services in other countries may not always be exactly the same as what you are familiar with as a passenger. There are a few do's and don'ts that you should always keep in mind when you plan to rely on an airport taxi service at an international airport. 

Do call ahead to reserve a taxi. 

Unlike what you may find here in the US, densely populated areas may have longer wait times for a taxi if you don't plan in advance. For example, in Beijing, China, it is recommended to give a taxi service a call at least four hours in advance to reserve a taxi for when you arrive at the airport. 

Don't reserve a taxi and then not follow through with the reservation. 

If you do go through the extra trouble of reserving a taxi in advance, follow through with the appointment. Some companies are not very lenient with passengers who disregard their reservation and may refuse you service later on. 

Do carry local currency with you for payment. 

When you are in a foreign country, it is always best to be mindful of local currency. Even if a taxi driver does accept US money, they may not be great at determining the currency conversion, which could leave you paying more than you should. 

Don't only carry large bills with you. 

Keeping smaller change on hand as an international traveler is always a good idea when it comes to public transportation. If you don't have the correct change, the driver may assume that you are giving them quite the generous tip, especially if you don't speak the local language and cannot explain yourself. 

Do try to jot down pertinent addresses before you arrive. 

Instead of trying to relay information to a driver who will likely have no idea what you are saying, have the directions to your hotel and anywhere else you intend to travel jotted down on a notecard for reference. Even if you can't speak the same language, you could easily show them on paper where you need to go. 
